by MedAngle Premed
Preparing For MDCAT Without Academies
Do you want to prepare for MDCAT without help from an academy?
It's possible to achieve that goal with the right approach! Your author also prepared for the MDCAT on her own and got admission to the university she dreamt of.
You can be free from all the long tiring hours spent in the academy because Premed.Net.PK and YouTube lectures can help you achieve your goal in half the time. Like they say “Work smarter, not harder”.
Following are some of the methods I used to achieve my objective of getting admitted to a prestigious university:
Familiarize yourself with the syllabus. Before you start your preparation, spend a good amount of time understanding the topics mentioned in the syllabus. Highlight all the issues in your books. Pro tip for Biology: Try to complete the entire syllabus as the MDCAT sometimes contains MCQs from topics that are not part of the defined syllabus.
Develop a comprehensive study plan that covers all subjects and topics within the available time frame. Choose which subject to study and for how many days, if you are choosing Biology then let's say you make a plan to complete it in 15 days (complete first year and then second year). After that, go for Chemistry and the same goes for Physics. Write down all important examples and major scientists' names in a separate notebook. A day before exams it would work like magic. You can even write anything that you seem to forget, for your convenience, on sticky notes and place them where you can see them every day.
We all have heard that “Practice makes the man perfect”. I can't stress on how much Premed.Net.PK by MedAngle Premed played an integral part in my preparation. It is a platform FREE for all premeds across the globe with its premium features and easy-to-access MCQ bank. For example, you study two chapters in a single day. Now just before you wind up your studies, log into MedAngle Premed Smart Topics, solve all the MCQs, and then sleep. Honestly, you will remember a major chunk of the topic. That's what I did and it helped me secure my admission. Also if you find something in which you faced difficulty while solving the MCQs, the next day, you can revise that particular concept. This practice helps a lot.
It is necessary to create a simulation of the actual MDCAT exam in your home. You can sit in a quiet room and set a timer of 3 hours. My recommendation is to take Mock tests as much as possible. You can get all the mock tests from Premed.Net.PK for free. I took Mock Tests that are present on the website of Premed.Net.PK which personally helped me a lot and made me familiar with the exam pattern.
Solving past papers will make you acquainted with the type of questions you are going to have on the real exam day. I believe that solving past papers helped me even more in grasping the concepts in depth. But where can you get those? The solution is simple: Premed.Net.PK by MedAngle Premed. The website has all the past papers of the MDCAT exam compiled and organized in one place. You can solve them for free. I would suggest you solve Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, and every past paper available that you possibly can. This works wonders in such a way that attempting paper on your exam day will feel like a breeze. Everything will fall into place and make sense without much anxiety and pressure.
After taking the tests, highlight your mistakes, correct them, and make sure to write them all in a separate register, particularly for “mistakes”. Don't be afraid to make errors now, as they are a sign that you are learning something new. Give some extra time to your weaker areas in their respective subjects.
That is how you can achieve all your goals! Work hard with MedAngle and we all shall see you in your dream university.
Edited by: Humna Sheraz, MedAngle Premed President
Qurat-ul-Ain, MedAngle Premed President
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